If you have suffered damages as a consequence of a car accident or a fall because of the negligent acts of another person, corporation or a commercial establishment, you could have a cause of action for damages. Our experience litigating damages cases before State and Federal Courts is at your reach. Contact us at (787)777-3377 to receive a free professional and confidential orientation.
Medical malpractice is a negligent or erroneous medical treatment that causes as consequence damages, unnecessary suffering or the death of a patient. A hospital or doctor that does not provide medical attention within the standard of care could incur in medical malpractice. If you believe you were a victim of medical malpractice, call our offices at (787) 777-3377. We are available for a free professional orientation to clarify all your doubts. Our offices litigate medical malpractice cases in State and Federal Courts.
Our office litigates general civil matters such as division of community property, contracts and issues related to insurance coverage, among others.
Our office has ample experience before Puerto Rico Appellate Courts, providing excellent results to our clients.
We draft and authorize the following notarial documents:
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